Wednesday, September 30, 2020

 Infinitives Part 1

An infinitive is a verb combined with the word to. Most often, an infinitive acts as a noun in the sentence. Less frequently, it acts as an adjective or an adverb.

Learning to use gerunds and infinitives can feel a bit overwhelming at first. The good news is that our three-part tutorial gives you twenty gerund and infinitive tips to take you from beginner to pro. Here in part 1, we introduce gerunds and infinitives and explain the basics of everyday usage.

Infinitives Part 1- English Grammar Topics

Infinitives Part 1- English Grammar Topics

Click Here : "English Grammar Rules"

  • I want to go home early today.
  • I hope to be chosen as a member.
  • I prefer to go there earlier.
  • You need to consider various rules in writing sentences.
  • You have to explain your reasoning in detail.
  • You might wish to act as a teacher.
  • To leave for a vacation is my only wish at this time.
  • A common mistake in a relationship is not to trust the other person.
  • Help me to save the trees!
  • To be mentally healthy, you must read books.
  • Do you want me to fill out this form?
  • Here is our to-do list.
  • It was nice to meet you.
  • It is time to move on.
  • I am young enough to change my habits.
  • Don’t forget not to make grammar mistakes.
  • You are required to leave all your belongings here.
  • I came to see a doctor today.
  • You have to work harder to succeed.
  • I need to take three more classes to finish my graduate study.
  • I got closer to the speaker to listen clearly.
  • Be sure to check if you have tickets.
  • I am going to buy the new computer.

Read Also: Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Generally, it is not common to split to and the verb except for when you want to emphasize the verb.

  • I want you to immediately stop doing that.
  • You have to seriously work hard to succeed.
  • You need to definitely explain your reasoning in detail.

Both gerunds and infinitives can be used as the subject or the complement of a sentence. However, as subjects or complements, gerunds usually sound more like normal, spoken English, whereas infinitives sound more abstract. In the following sentences, gerunds sound more natural and would be more common in everyday English. Infinitives emphasize the possibility or potential for something and sound more philosophical. If this sounds confusing, just remember that 90% of the time, you will use a gerund as the subject or complement of a sentence.


Learning is important. normal subject

To learn is important. abstract subject - less common

The most important thing is learning. normal complement

The most important thing is to learn. abstract complement - less common

Read Also : English Grammar Quizzes

As the object of a sentence, it is more difficult to choose between a gerund or an infinitive. In such situations, gerunds and infinitives are not normally interchangeable. Usually, the main verb in the sentence determines whether you use a gerund or an infinitive.


He enjoys swimming. "Enjoy" requires a gerund.

He wants to swim. "Want" requires an infinitive.

Advanced English Grammar with Answers Book

Some verbs are followed by gerunds as objects. List of Verbs Followed by Gerunds


She suggested going to a movie.

Mary keeps talking about her problems.

Some verbs are followed by infinitives. List of Verbs Followed by Infinitives


She wants to go to a movie.

Mary needs to talk about her problems.

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  • Infinitives Part 1- English Grammar Topics Infinitives Part 1An infinitive is a verb combined with the word to. Most often, an infinitive acts as a noun in the sentence. Less frequently, it acts as an adjective or an adverb.Learning to use gerunds and infinitive… Read More


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